In a few words…

The PI²M is a consortium of players working for the sustainable economic development of Mayotte by promoting biodiversity through innovation and action research.

An integral part of the Pôle d’Excellence Rurale, the Pôle Recherche, managed by the PI²M, is a modern phytochemical extraction and analysis platform working closely with a number of partners and supported by the Conseil Départemental de Mayotte.



As part of the Rural Excellence Center, the Research Hub, managed by PI²M, is a modern platform for extraction and analysis in phytochemistry. The laboratory’s work focuses on supporting existing or emerging agricultural sectors, as well as researching new high-value-added substances in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields.

Our objective is to develop collaborative projects with the Mahoran economy actors to create innovative products based on local biodiversity, as well as to support existing sectors and companies for their sustainable consolidation and expansion.


Do you have a project based on local biodiversity?

The laboratory can assist you with scientific engineering.

PI²M supports the sustainable development of the Mahoran territory:

By complementing and supporting existing actors
Through a project-driven approach
According to the needs of the territory

The focus is on applied research and action research through two main areas:


The laboratory and its team contribute to the development of the sustainable exploitation of local flora, focusing on cosmetic and pharmaceutical products derived from biodiversity and of high added value, consequently stimulating agricultural sectors.


The potential of the Blue Economy in Mayotte is immense. Our team works on developing new high-potential activities, optimizing specific themes, and transitioning towards sustainable exploitation of the marine environment to enhance marine productivity.

Do you have an innovative project? Do you seeking supervision for your students and Ph.D. candidates?

The laboratory can assist you.

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